Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Love from a Mother's Heart.....

I know it isn't close to Valentine's Day, but I'm betting the stores have already switched over their displays. I thought I join the

I had a wonderful day today, visits from Amelia Pilsch, Bea Powell, who graciously stopped by to adjust my glasses, something I had planned to do, well, before you know what. Jean Gordon, my mom, Katie, MK, and of course,JonathanIf I left someone out, I'm so sorry.

I found out that I'm beginning to go into what they call the "nadir" stage...the lowest of the low, which begins to 
happena between the 7th and 14th days after you begin chemotherapy. I'm on day 13. It is a good thing I like the number 13!
Drained of energy, though blood count may be ok. It is part of the effects of the chemo.

Back to the heart above. It was a good day for a Mama to speak words of the heart to her daughters.
It was a good day to feel and send words of the heart to my Mother, though we didn't have to say a thing.

I am very content.

If you have words of the heart you need to say to someone: husband, wife mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, child, it matters not. Just say them. 

Let your heart free.  

You will feel so much better, even thought it might hurt for a minute or might be hard to do.

Just do it.


P. S. I've screwed up the formatting and will try to fix it tomorrow.


  1. Love you mama!! Hope the glitter uggs brought some shine to you today.

  2. Formatting means nothing...especially with such wise content! I love you Penny, dear! Christy

  3. Oh y'all...cannot wait to model the "Golden UGGS" for you! Does this mean I'm REALLY lucky because I got the "GOLDEN TICKET" for found the GOLD egg in the Easter Egg Hunt???

    I believe! I believe!

    MK, thanks for doing something you hate so much, like shopping! NOT!!!!

  4. Re FUGGS.......Saw some cute little skinny-legged 12-13 yr olds with FUGGS at Publix in Orange Beach yesterday---but wearing them with short shorts and t-shirts. What we do for fashion even at the beach!!! lol
    Penny, your words of wisdom are good. Family illnesses and loss of family members can bring out the best or the worst in folks. Your family has pulled together to support you using their strengths and talents. How lucky you are!! Take care!


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