Sunday, December 27, 2009


I was fiddling around with stuff this morning, changing colors, changed the title of the blog.

When you click on, you should see:

Love, Penny

Fortunately, I love the color change.

Unfortunately, I lost all my followers.

I hope you will reset whatever you need to to get to the Love, Penny site (same content/comments there) and re-add yourself as a follower.

Also, feel free to spread the love!


  1. Dear Penny,
    I just found your blog the way I have every day and it shows me listed as a follower, along with 74 others.
    I do like the color. Would you call it mauve?
    Sue Blanton

  2. Ditto Penny,

    Everything looks the same except the color from here, too.


  3. Looks GREAT!
    We're still here!

  4. It's all fine. Enjoyed our visit today! Can't wait to see your Kindle. Also, I was thinking about flowers......would love to bring the stuff and
    make some tissue-paper flowers next week with you if you are up to it.
    Talk to you soon!


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