Monday, January 18, 2010

Quite a day...

Practically all day at the cancer center. Penny was exhausted, so they gave her a room away from the other's receiving chemo. Complete with bed! Thank God.

Platelets were up, so she could receive chemo, but she needed blood, had a fever, and has some kind of infection that a blood test will identify in TWO days. Hell, I can fly to Europe and back in two days.

Anyway, we're back on antibiotics. It's getting difficult to keep the pill bottles in one bowl.

Now we're home, fever is down, and she's sleeping like a baby.



  1. You doing great, Nurse Jonathon... I'm happy Penny was able to receive the chemo.... Hope you are feeling better each day, honey. Love you! Christy

  2. Just Anne LaCoste checking in:
    Remember the bumps in the road are there to make you relly notice it when you're feeling better!
    We Love You!!
    Anne, Keith, John Charles & Rob

  3. Penny,
    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better? I say that with a question mark because Jonathan's post didn't seem too convincing. Write when you feel like it, but be sure you know that we care. Be sure Jonathan has mother's info in case you need anything.

  4. Penny, if Jonathan becomes Nurse Hatchett - let us know! We will do an intervention! Love to BOTH of you, you're doing so well. Just think how long it will take to get blood test results when we have national health care.


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