Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Penny' Day

Penny's mom, Joyce (Meme), spent almost the entire day with Penny, as the girls and I all had to work. She should be posting, but since she doesn't know how, I'll do it for her. Meme is gettin' pretty good with her new iPhone. Although she said she had been texting me all day with updates, only to find out she had programmed into her phone an incorrect phone number for my cell. I wonder who received all those texts?

Penny had a slight fever from the moment we checked into the hospital yesterday until late this afternoon, and has been cold, no matter how many blankets are pilled on top of her. She moved from a north facing room to a south facing room this afternoon and likes it a lot better. Sun, sun, sun...and a better view. Not that she's jumping up to look out the window. Anyway, she was feeling much better by the time I arrived around 5:00. Not great, mind you, but better.

She was to get blood this evening, and of course they have been continuing with the scheduled chemo treatments. One more tomorrow, and that's it for the week.

We march on.


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