Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thank you, thank you, thank you....

People are continuing to be so nice to my family.

Every day there is a cheery card or email and often something delicious to eat.

We cannot thank you enough for all your kindness.

Today, though, I am so sad that I cannot go hug my friend, Sharon Pilsch. She was one of the first to come visit me in the hospital, complete with her transplant unit mask and coveralls. She had come from Birmingham after visiting with her husband, Frank, who was awaiting a bone marrow transplant.

It wasn't too much later we ran into Frank at the Cancer Center. He looked fabulous, had a great attitude, we were so thrilled to see how well he was doing.

Frank had his transplant on Friday, March 5th but unfortunately, passed away on Monday, the 8th.

I hurt so much for Sharon and I hurt so much for Gwen Pilsch, who now has lost both her sons, two of the finest guys in Tuscaloosa. I hurt for Amelia Pilsch, widow of Graham, who has faced this before and knows all too well the pain of losing a spouse. I hurt for Erin and Turner, Frank and Sharon's children.

The upside of all of this, if there can be one, is that there are two adorable Pilsch boys waiting to grow up to become the kind of guys their grandfather and uncle were.

Here's to Cullen and Jackson Pilsch!



  1. I agree with you about the upsidedowness of lots of things. The Pilsch men were such nice men.

  2. Thinking of you today and hope it will be a nice one. I'm recovering from a partial knee replacement and am doing pretty good. I forwarded your blog to a friend of mine who has a friend with breast cancer. Your pages are so delightful in every way. I've also enjoyed your PFATT friends and their work. Please know I'm sending daffodil wishes your way this day. xoxo


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