Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How o spent my spring break

Yep, back in the hospital again '

Love, Penny

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh Penny I am so sorry, but know that the nurse all love you there! Is that you hiding under the covers?? Call if I can help. love, Susan

  2. Do you feel any better after you get what you treated at the hospital? My brother always did whenever he came home. I know that you'll get better. It's just part of the steps to get you all well again. And I thought that wig was really great in your picture! Hang tough - you'll get through this and be 1000%!

  3. Glad you're using the blogger app. Nice red bedspread! I got you a happy or two in Asheville :) love you see you tomorrow!!

  4. Oh my goodness Penny! That is NOT fun!
    I know they are treating you well, but I'm praying they will let you go soon.

    Love you!


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